Quality is our first name.
Since 2001.
QCIC offers levels one, two, and three NACE certified coatings inspectors. All inspectors are trained in the prevention of corrosion through proper material selection, surface preparation, and application procedure for protective coatings.

Our Background Includes
- Hydroelectrical
- Petroleum
- Chemical
- Water and Waste Water
- Marine
- Bridge
- Nuclear
- Structural
- Architectural
Following are some of the services offered by QCIC
- Surveys and evaluations
- Material Selection
- Specification review and development
- Laboratory testing of coatings to identify heavy metals, etc
- Field and Shop inspections

On Site Daily Inspection Includes
- Monitoring the coatings to assure they are as specified, stored properly,
and not damaged or beyond their shelf life - Ensuring that surface preparations are performed to the degree specified
- Monitoring atmospheric conditions to assure specifications are followed
- Witnessing the mixing of the coatings to assure that mixing instructions
are followed - Assuring that proper thinner is used in the proper amounts and any
special instructions such as induction times are adhered to - Measuring of mil thickness of each coating applied
- Monitoring re-coat and cure times
- Recording and reporting of this information through the proper channels,
including a detailed report with photo documentation